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Les Femmes Underground Film Festival & Nonplussed Fest 


A night celebrating feminist film & music at Non Plus Ultra

Performances By:
Slut Island
Spare Parts For Broken Hearts

Short Films Featured:
Pretty Good Product - Christine Hucal
Owls, Bunnies & Tigers- Sandra Powers
Super Fun Show, with Learning! Episode 2 - Lexie Kahanovitz
Sussurus - Na Yon Cho
Erasure - Birgitta Hosea
Hold Me Caw Caw - Renee Zhan
Let It All Hair Out - Sam Gurry
Gunge Buddies - Meredith Moore
Legs - Kelsy GossettSelf
Portrait at 24 - Amanda Bonaiuto
There's More Than One Way to Skin A Man - Emma Penaz-Eisner
Pornoauguri - Martina Scarpelli
Hymn of Haruspex - Kathryn Ferguson
Tarot, Tattoos & Vending by The Kitty Cult

$5 | Friday March 30th 8pm | NPU | 3044 Rosslyn St

Spare Parts for Broken Hearts

Musical Band Performers

Sarah Green- Vox/Guitar

Jonny Cifuentes- Bass

Jessica Lankford- Drums

Slut Island

About the Artists

Slut island is the culmination of two really hot cool super talented and modest artists plus one christian Asian boy singing about real life issues including hpv, net neutrality, sex in a graveyard, wanting to see someone you love die, being a bad church boy and much much more to come!  

The Kitty Cult

Feminist Art Collective

Kitty Cult is a collective of feminist artists whose art work ranges in form but is united by the belief of unity, support, and love. They vend a variety of esoteric pop curiosities from pins, to prints, and much more!

Femtasia Poster
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